All scores, including exam one, have been updated on D2L. The curve for exam one, as well as other course stats, can be found on the Grades Fall 2012 page of the course website. Your estimated course grade has also been posted to D2L; however, do not place too much weight on this letter grade. We've only completed 240 points out of 1000 in the course, which means there are vast opportunities for improvement if you are not meeting your goals. If you are falling behind or did not meet your expectations on the exam, please see me as soon as possible so that we can work together on a plan for success.
The exam will be returned during class, Thursday, Sept. 20. If, after reviewing your exam, you believe there are grading or adding errors, please follow the instructions in the document, exam_corrections.pdf, which can be found in the Download Center. Exams must be returned to Dr. L by Thursday, September 27 to be considered for corrections.